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Putting Writesonic to the test - Our review

Writesonic Review – A Complete Overview of the AI Writing Tool

As a copywriter, I’m always on the hunt for tools to help boost my productivity and content quality. In the fast-paced world of content marketing, we need all the help we can get!

One tool that’s interested me recently is Writesonic. This AI writing assistant promises to generate high-quality blog posts, social media updates, and other content in minutes.

In this review, I’ll provide my honest take on whether Writesonic is worth the hype.

What is Writesonic?

Writesonic is an AI tool created by tech startup Writesonic Technologies in San Francisco. It aims to make content creation fast and simple by using AI to produce written content based on the instructions and parameters given by the user.

The idea is for Writesonic to help copywriters, marketers, and business owners create engaging, on-brand content in a fraction of the usual time.

It provides writing templates and ways to adjust tone and length so the AI can augment, but not entirely replace, our writing.

Key Features

Writesonic offers a good selection of features:

  • Content templates for different formats
  • Tone adjustment for formal to casual styles
  • Length adjustment from short snippets to long-form
  • Translation into languages like Spanish and Chinese
  • SEO optimisation with keyword input
  • Unrestricted revisions to refine content
  • Batch content creation for efficiency
  • Custom taxonomy using brand terms and product names
  • Plagiarism-free original content

These capabilities aim to provide a complete content generation solution. However, the usefulness depends on how the AI executes these features.

What can Writesonic write for you?

Benefits of Using Writesonic

Based on its features, Writesonic offers a few potential advantages:

  • Time savings from faster content creation
  • Increased output by producing content in bulk
  • Improved quality through well-written and engaging text
  • Search optimisation with built-in SEO capabilities
  • Easy repurposing by editing and reusing content
  • Scalability to increase or decrease content production
  • Collaboration for teams through shared templates

But could these benefits measure up to the promises in reality? There’s only one way to find out…

Limitations to Consider

While the benefits seem appealing, I do have some reservations:

  • Inconsistent quality: AI writing still varies in quality.
  • Limited creativity: Complex topics may lack nuance.
  • Formulaic text: Content may come across as unoriginal.
  • Factual errors: Occasional inaccuracies are likely.
  • Need for graphics: Users must source visuals separately.
  • Plagiarism risks: While minimal, some risks remain.
  • Steep learning curve: The tool may take time to master.

The key question for me is whether the AI can produce engaging, creative content. But it’s time to dig deeper…

Hands-On Experience

To test Writesonic out, I gave it a whirl for one of my client projects – a blog post. Here are the results:

I used the blog post template and added a few keywords and phrases about the topic. After generating the content, I was pleasantly surprised!

The draft contained relevant information with a nice mix of stats, quotes and explanations.

The writing flowed well and was easy to read. I only needed to add a bit more flair and personality to liven it up. After some light editing, I had a polished blog post that my client was thrilled with!

While not foolproof, the Writesonic draft gave me a great starting point that saved loads of time over writing from scratch. The key is expecting the need for editing rather than perfect automated content.

Twitter Threads Examples
Twitter Thread Example

Ideal Use Cases

Based on my experience, here are the ideal use cases where Writesonic delivers the most value:

  • Blog content: Generate blog post drafts to edit and polish.
  • Social media posts: Create initial drafts for different platforms to refine.
  • Website copy: Develop foundation website copy like product descriptions.
  • Ads: Craft initial drafts for PPC and Facebook ads.
  • Email: Design email draft content to improve.
  • Presentations: Develop presentation draft content.

Writesonic can provide a solid starting point in each case that reduces the blank page lag. But expect to put in some editing work.

Writesonic Pricing Plans

Writesonic offers several pricing tiers to suit different needs and budgets:

Free Trial

The free trial provides 10,000 words per month to test drive Writesonic’s capabilities. It includes access to features like:

  • Chatsonic chatbot
  • 100+ AI templates
  • AI Article Writer
  • Browser Extensions
  • WordPress Integration
  • Zapier integration

This allows users to experience the benefits before committing.

Unlimited Plan

The Unlimited plan costs $20 monthly (20% off for the yearly plan). It is targeted at individuals and small teams. It provides unlimited generated words for a single user. Features include:

  • Unlimited words per month
  • Chatsonic chatbot
  • 100+ AI templates
  • AI Article Writer
  • WordPress and Zapier integration
  • Landing Page Generator
  • Sonic Editor

This plan suits smaller teams with frequent content needs.

Business Plan

The Business plan starts at $19 per month for 200,000 words. It adds capabilities like:

  • Unlock superior GPT-4 and GPT-4 32K
  • Factual and Personalised Article Writer
  • Unlimited brand voices
  • Complete Article Rewriter
  • Bulk processing
  • Priority access to new features

This plan provides more power at an added cost.

Enterprise Plan

The Enterprise plan offers fully customised packages starting at $1000 per month. It includes:

  • Custom number of words
  • Custom number of users
  • Custom AI model development
  • Invoicing options
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Training sessions
  • Premium support

This premium plan gets enterprise teams direct access to Writesonic’s AI.

Overall, the pricing seems fair and competitive for an AI tool. It can provide significant time savings that justify the costs for the right user.

Ease of Use and Learning Curve

As a copywriter quite familiar with content tools, I found Writesonic smooth and intuitive to use:

  • The interface allows easy template selection.
  • Keywords and settings are simple to input.
  • Content generation only takes a single click.
  • Editing and revising is seamless.

The onboarding resources Writesonic provides are helpful for getting started. The learning curve is not too steep overall. But complete beginners may need more guidance.

Writesonic Support Option

Writesonic offers a few solid support channels:

  • 24/7 email support
  • Live chat for instant help
  • Knowledge base with articles and tutorials
  • Onboarding help for large accounts

In my experience, the support team is quite responsive and helpful when needed. Between support and the tutorials, users can typically find answers.

Facebook Ad Copy Example
Facebook Ad Copy Example

My Verdict

Do I think Writesonic is worth using? Here’s my honest take:

The Good:

  • Saves significant time drafting content
  • Provides a solid starting point to build on
  • Helps increase overall productivity and output
  • Easy to use with good support resources

The Less Good:

  • Output requires editing for finesse
  • AI limitations affect creativity potential
  • Not a foolproof turnkey solution
  • Best suited for specific use cases over others

The Bottom Line:

Writesonic delivers worthwhile AI capabilities but has some limitations. For the right content needs, it can boost copywriting productivity and justify the costs.

Expectations need to be set appropriately. Writesonic can significantly assist copywriters but not replace us entirely.

Overall, Writesonic earns its place in a copywriter’s toolkit as a useful aid for stretched writers like myself!
Give it a try…

Ben Nakanishi

Ben is a co-founder of AI Toolsmith. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Marketing, he specialises in AI writing and AI marketing topics. With a keen understanding of AI and marketing, Ben offers unique insights into the evolving dynamics of the AI industry.

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